Congratulations to our graduating class of 2023! We look forward to celebrating your accomplishments on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at the ONU Sports Center Field House, and then at a reception immediately following at the College of Law (Tilton Hall).
We ask you please wear your cap and gown, and bring your hood with you. Please note: You may NOT wear additional cords, sashes, etc. during the ceremony.
8:30 AM - Doors open. Guests should arrive by 9:00 AM, and should be seated by 9:30 AM.
9:20 AM - Graduating students assemble for the processional.
10:00 AM - Commencement begins.
A reception will be held immediately following Commencement in the Law School (Tilton Hall). Students and their families are cordially invited to attend a dessert reception and freely take pictures and tour our beautiful facility at their leisure.